Ministering to the needs of students

Advent House is the Seventh-day Adventist student center on the campus of the University of Tennessee Knoxville. We are here to support all students as well as the university community as a whole. Advent House is also the home of several students who we provide housing to throughout the year.
What is ACF?
ACF stands for Adventist Christian Fellowship and is a students registered organization with UTK. In other words, ACF is an Adventist club run by students, for student, and supported by the church. There are currently 200+ ACF chapters across the United States and Canada.
How does ACF relate to Advent House? Great question! ACF is the student club, where as Advent House is the student center.
For example, if the Justice League was an ACF chapter with members like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, then Advent House would be the Batcave, the physical place where superheroes train and recover.

Engaging the University Community

Our students normal come together to have conversations, enjoy games, and share a meal with one another once a week. However due to the pandemic we are no longer having group meal inside at this time. But will resume our meetings as soon as it is safe.
Throughout the semester our students leaders head out on campus to pray and talk with other students.
If you have a prayer request on your hart that you want us to pray for let us know by filling out a contact form. Or by email at acf-utk@gccsda.com
We are giving away free magnets which share the prayer requests of our ministry! If you would like one, tell us in a message and include your mailing address.